
ASSOCIATED PRESS In the South China Sea, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte must do the right thing: stand up to China, protect the interests, the resources, and the lives of the Filipino people from China’s aggression; the same way the Indonesian and the Vietnamese leaders did for their own people. And that could ease geopolitical risks,
Stop giving old and out of dated retirement advice (photo credit: Getty) Getty The world of retirement planning is filled with rules of thumb and cliché advice.  Some of them offer financial guidance including the 4% safe withdrawal rate or the need for diversification by not putting all your eggs in one basket.  Fewer insights
Avoid these retirement mistakes. Getty We all know it’s important to save for retirement. Even if you’re saving for retirement, some common mistakes might cause you to run out of money in retirement. Avoiding these 7 retirement savings mistakes can increase the chances that you’ll be able to grow your portfolio and outlive your money. 1. Not starting