10’000 Hours | DigitalVision | Getty Images Doling out advice on money matters is the stock in trade of the financial advisor. After all, it’s in their job title. So financial advisors, financial planners, wealth managers and the like are used to offering up advice on a daily basis to paying customers. But what about
manusapon kasosod | Moment | Getty Images As Generation X and millennials inherit their baby boomer parents’ assets amid the so-called Great Wealth Transfer, some will look to invest it in rental property to generate income. This property might be a duplex, an apartment building or, depending on the location, a single-family house that could
Feverpitched | iStock | Getty Images No two retirements look the same. But there is one thing all individuals face in their golden years: high health-care costs. Medicare beneficiaries will need as much as $400,000 for health expenses per couple, according to 2018 research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. That is up from $370,000
Jim McGuire | Getty Images The Social Security program is approaching insolvency. Social Security costs keep escalating, with future expenses for the program expected to be 20% higher than projected revenue. To that point, action must be taken promptly to prevent an across-the-board benefit cut for many current and future beneficiaries, according to the Social
izusek | E+ | Getty Images Eat what you kill. It’s not the most subtle description of the career path for financial advisors, but it is accurate. Historically, the financial advice industry has been built around people who can come to the job and quickly build books of business to generate revenue. Young advisors have